IPRA presents Halftone Def Studios

From Official site of Halftone Def Studios

Why don’t you go ahead and pull that design right up here and we’ll pop the ole’ hood and see if we can help you out. My name is Tron B. Burgundy and my partner here is Grease E. Monkey, we have been making custom designs and fixin’ junkers before design had dubs and we got a whole shop full of hotrods we built as well. And since your here, take a look around our shop and see if you might like us to turn a wrench or two on what you got, but be careful, our exhaust pipes might burn ya. Also keep in mind, we ain’t gonna just stencil a couple of flames or skulls on moms grocery getter either. Halftone Def Studios was opened in early 2007 and we been getting on it ever since creating 100% HAND TUNED Design straight from this here garage. We specialize in Posters, Identity, Skateboard Decks, Apparel, Album Packaging, and pretty much anything else we can get our aposeable thumbs on. So grab yourself a frosty beverage from the cooler and take a gander!


The Society of Killustrators

AIGA Cruel Summer Poster

Strike Anywhere Gigposter

Anti- Flag Poster

Bomb It

AIGA Always Summer Poster

Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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