IPRA presents Octophant

The Octophant started, for me, as a sketch I did while being dead in a game of Werewolf. I did not know I had just created my own totem.

Not too long thereafter, I decided on a whim to take a screenprinting class at Screwball Press. And I needed an image for my first print. The Octophant drawing was still fresh in my mind and seemed as likely a subject as any for a first attempt, so I ended up printing this. Then I found myself with 50 Octophant prints. So I thought I’d ask the internet if it would like to buy any of them. Turned out the internet wanted to buy all of them. So then I made more prints of other things, including new and different Octophants.

Then one in 2009 day I found myself without a proper job and making and selling prints has turned into one of the ways I attempt to keep myself alive and that’s why we’re all here now.

As to the creature the Octophant itself I am aware that I’m not the first person to coin the term nor the first person to make a picture of one. I just like mine the best of any of the ones I’ve seen, that’s all.

Octophant (Submerged)

La Calavera del Pulpo

The Unfathomable Octophant


Squid in Morning Dress


Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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