IPRA presents Waldez

Vladimir Snegotskiy (aka Waldez) is a person who has never get any art education. Though he stays in search of new ways of self-expression in visual art. He lives and works in Moscow, Russia, and is a great authority in vector and painting art. It’s important for him to create powerful and impressive artworks. Working with minimal set of colors he enriches his works with complicated interlacing shapes. He also use fragments of human and animal bodies to tangle the meaning and composition. Despite the modern approach to creation his artworks are permeated with ethnic motifs, leading you away to antiquity and the unconscious. At present time Waldez is working as a freelance designer with different kinds of media projects. Also he spend much time working on his own art ideas.

Crater 23 serial 2

Crater 23 serial 1

Crater 23 serial

Hypnosis serial

Tryptigon serial


Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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